The Gospel and Mammon

December 9, 2018 Speaker: Josh Howie Series: The Gospel And...

Passage: Luke 12:13–34


- What does it mean to covet?

- Jesus warned us of the cares of the world and the deceitfullness of riches in Matthew 13:22. What are the potential consequences of allowing these to choke our gospel lives?

- Is there a relationship between giving and worry?

- This section of Luke 12 ends in with verse 34, in which Jesus says, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." What would you say you treasured most? Would your actions and cares reflect that? Are there times in your life you have struggled to treasure God above all else?

- Questions to ask yourself when dealing with your finances:

  1. Does spending God's money in this way stem from covetousness or greed?  Does my use of resources show that I am looking for life, satisfaction or contentment in anything other than Christ? 
  2. Am I being rich toward God?  
  3. Am I seeking (setting my heart upon) the Kingdom of God with my material possessions?
  4. Am I anxious about my circumstances? Am I too anxious to give generously? Do I believe that if I seek first the Kingdom everything else I need will be added?
  5. Is the way I am using God's money and possessions showing that Christ is my treasure?

More in The Gospel And...

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The Gospel and Singing

December 30, 2018

The Gospel and Joy

December 16, 2018

The Gospel and Anxiety