2ndpeter_logoGod wants you to grow. If you’re a Christian, that statement won’t surprise you. In fact, it likely conveys the deepest desire of your heart. But along with that desire to grow, you know the obstacles you’ve faced. You’ve experienced the pull of the world, the flesh, and the devil. You’ve sometimes been led astray by unhelpful, or even harmful, false teaching. You’ve felt enslaved to habitual sins that seem to entangle you again and again. And yet, despite all the hurdles, you still endeavor each day to follow Christ and live your life for Him. After all, He will come again. And when we see Him, all of life will be put into perfect and final perspective. God wants you to grow. And the good news of 2 Peter is that, by His word and through His Son, you can.

Sermon Schedule and Discussion Prompts

In addition to general study questions (found here), here are some specific prompts related to the 2nd Peter passages. We hope they will serve you as you study and discuss the Word.

Hear the latest sermon from 2nd Peter HERE.

May 19th: 2nd Peter 2:3-10 pt. 1

  • This section is a long “if/then” statement. Look at each “if.” What does each one teach you about God’s judgment upon the ungodly?
  • Read Genesis 6. How does this section describe the ancient world? How does this help you understand God’s judgment?
  • Read Genesis 19. In what ways is this account similar and different from Genesis 6?
  • How does this passage (and the teaching of God’s final judgment, generally) encourage you as a Christian? How does it affect your view of non-believers?

May 26th: Series Break Genesis 11:1-9

 June 2nd: 2nd Peter 2:3-10 pt. 2

  • What do you know about the life of Noah that might help you understand how he was a “herald of righteousness?” (take a look at Genesis 6-8 for help).
  • What details do you learn about Lot’s life from this passage? How was Lot’s situation similar and different from Noah’s?
  • In what ways is Lot’s situation like and unlike our own?
  • What encouragement does this passage give to those who live in ungodly cultures? How should we appropriate this encouragement into our lives each day?

 June 9th: 2nd Peter 2:11-22

  • Spend time as a group working through this passage. Detail anything that describes the false teachers. What do these descriptions show you?
  • Now, go through the passage again, asking what effects the false teachers have on others.
  • Read through all of 2 Peter 2 out loud as a group. Talk together about why God would devote so much to the topic of false teaching/teachers. In what ways will this teaching affect your own spiritual life?